Body Printing

Female being painted with red paint for body printing session


The art of turning your body into a print.

No two bodies are the same and in turn each print is beautifully unique to you.

Sessions are 90 mins and include three attempts at your chosen body part (breasts/back or behind).

Body printing in home with two Caucasian women

In Home

Relax in the comfort of your own home for your body printing experience. Clear me a space and I’ll provide the rest.

A supportive friend or partner is welcome to attend if you're experiencing any nerves but rest assured, the process is personal, slow and your comfort is my top priority.

Body printing process with female using blue paint


Engaging your multiple senses throughout the process, body printing is an interactive and immersive journey of creative expression that actively involves and envelops you along the way. You are both a physical part of the art creation process and in the end, the final observer too.

Where art meets experience


  • For a single body part print the session is up to 90 mins. This includes:

    • Set up

    • Colour selection and paint mixing

    • Run through of how to get in position for the prints followed by the print itself (up to three attempts)

    • Final line work of chosen print

    • Pack up

    • Yes! Many women like to have a set, the popular choice being breast and butt.

    • If you would like to do both prints in one session it is $500. This includes three attempts per body part. The session time is extend to two hours to allow for additional print time.

    • Breast Print: Yes

    • Back Print: Bare back required but you can cover your breasts if you wish. Stick on bra cups or nipple covers work well but need to be organised at your own cost.

    • Butt Print: Most women go nude although you can wear a small thong. If you choose to wear a thong please make it as thin/small as possible and one that you are happy to get paint on. I will work around the thong to the best of my ability but please be aware it can have a small effect on the look of the final print.

  • Absolutely! I can cater to groups of up four.

    • For two people the price is $275 per person.

    • For groups of three to four the price is $250 per person.

    Please contact me directly to book as extra time will need to be allocated.

    If you have more then four people interested for the likes of a party or hens group, please contact me to discuss options.

  • No, the prints are not framed. I can however provide guidance on both affordable and premium framing options.

  • I mix colours on the day based on your preferences. I do not stock bright and or florescent colours. Please discuss with me in advance if you have a particular request.

Upcoming Bookings

  • Please follow the link below to purchase a body printing session.

  • After you have purchased a session I will be in contact to book your printing date and time.

  • Price listed is based on Central Coast locations and travel only.

  • If you are located in Sydney or Newcastle and wish to book a session please contact me BEFORE booking.

  • Please note, as a small business I need to reduce my overheads, and this includes transaction fees. As such bookings and their payments are made using PayPal. If you do not have a PayPal account, please contact me directly to book and I will issue you an invoice.

Body Print art of bust on bedroom wall
Body print of a bottom on a bedroom wall