
Commissioned life drawing of you, in charcoal in a pose of your choice.

Each piece is drawn on premium art quality paper and is one of a kind and entirely unique.

Medium & Style

Charcoal & Pencil

Charcoal drawing is a captivating form of visual expression that employs charred sticks of wood and or compressed charcoal.

I use charcoal & pencil to create expressive pieces of art with dramatic contrasts and a rich interplay of light and shadow.

Colours available: Black and grey shades only.


  • Scroll down and you will see the option to 'Book Now'. After receipt of payment, you will need to send your reference image of choice either via email or Instagram message.

  • I allow up to three weeks from receipt of reference image to complete an original commission.

    Express postage times of 24-48 hours are on top of this.

    If you would like a commission quicker, please contact me in advance of ordering to see if I can accommodate based on my current workload.

    Please note this would incur an extra charge.

  • A3 $180 including FREE Express/registered and insured postage (Australia only)

  • Absolutely not. I recommend a thong (not tight fitting) and either topless or a triangle bikini. This allows me to see and in turn draw the curves and lines of your body.

    If you choose to wear a bikini top, I can draw in your bare breasts, however please note I can only draw accurately what I can see. If you choose to remain covered I will have to make a considered guess on the true fall/lines of your breasts and nipples.

    If you feel more comfortable blurring/covering your face this is perfectly fine too.

    • Charcoal is available in A3 or larger.

    • Please contact me if you have an alternative medium or size request.

Pose Guide

First and foremost, any pose/position you feel fabulous in, is the pose for you.

If you already have a picture in mind that you would like drawn…perfect!

If however you feel a little unsure, the following poses can be a helpful guide.

You can use chairs, stools, a lounge, your bed, or most anything to get in the position you feel comfortable in. These will not be drawn in detail in the final piece. Your face will also not be drawn in detail so you don’t need to worry about what it is doing in your reference photo.

“When it’s over, I want to say: all my life I was a bride married to amazement. I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms.”— Mary Oliver