Meet the Artist

Jessica Gosman artist head shot

Photographer: Soleia Photography

Jessica Davina

I am a multi disciplinary artist with a passion for drawing, painting, photography and creative writing. Themes of nature, femininity and storytelling are consistent in my work, even if the medium and style changes depending on the season of life.

I am, first and foremost, just me, Jessica. But also a mother, stepmother, wife, daughter, sister and friend. Like many women I am well versed in grief and trauma, loss of self and identity, and the path to finding those things again.

When I was 35 I sat bedside as my mother lay dying. Of all the things on her mind, not being good enough, in how she looked primarily, was a reoccurring theme. It broke my heart that at 73 she was never able to move past the words and opinions other people had of her. She wasn’t able to see, that while she was genuinely beautiful yes, she was so much more than that too. She was funny and savvy, resourceful and inventive. She was brave and adventurous and creative beyond comprehension. Like all of us, she wasn’t perfect, but she was pretty amazing, and she never really realized these things. Sadly I didn’t even know the depth of some of them till she was gone.

And so, it kickstarted my need to break this cycle of ‘not enough’ for myself, and hopefully for other women too.

Using life drawing, painting and body printing I hope to give women the opportunity to see their bodies from another perspective, from outside themselves, to see that they are as worthy of being the subject of art as any women out there. That they are beautiful. That they are enough.